Timeline and FAQ for New Hospital Requirements for Sexual Assault Treatment
Timeline and FAQ for New Hospital Requirements for Sexual Assault Treatment
Public Act 100-0775 significantly revised the Sexual Assault Survivors Emergency Treatment Act (SASETA) with many new requirements for hospitals effective January 1, 2019.
See IHA’s summary of the law, and slides, recording and handouts from the November 13, 2018 webinar. To further assist members, IHA has prepared a timeline for many of the new requirements as well as a Q&A from the webinar with answers provided by Illinois Department of Public Health and Office of Attorney General staff.
Evidence Collection Kit Revised Form
The Illinois State Police (ISP) has updated the patient consent form to be used with the evidence collection kits to reflect the new evidence retention period of ten years. Hospitals will need to make copies for use with kits that currently have the old form and begin using January 1, 2019.
Task Force Resources
The Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Services Implementation Task Force is in the process of developing additional resources scheduled to be available later this month: hospital educational materials including sample photo documentation policy, procedure and equipment suggestions and a sample Memorandum of Understanding with a rape crisis center. IHA will notify hospitals of these resources as soon as they are posted on the Office of Attorney General’s website.
SANE Trainings
To be added to the email distribution list for upcoming SANE trainings, please contact Jaclyn Rodriguez, BSN, BS, RN, SANE-A, SANE Coordinator, Office of the Illinois Attorney General, at sane@atg.state.il.us.
OAG Online Training Module
The Office of The Attorney General (OAG) has offered that hospitals may want to utilize the 2-hour OAG-prepared Sexual Assault training (scheduled to be available March 1, 2019) on their own learning management system that provides online training to employees. This training may be used to comply with the new requirement for Emergency Department staff to receive 2 hours of sexual assault training by July 1, 2020 and then 2 hours every 2 years thereafter. Having it on a hospital’s learning system may be helpful for several reasons: (1) employees know how to access and use the hospital system; (2) hospitals would be better able to track who has/has not completed the online training; and (3) the hospitals’ ability to run reports and access reports when asked to demonstrate compliance with the law would be greater.
Conversely, if the hospital plans to utilize the OAG’s online training on the OAG platform, it would be helpful to obtain an estimate of the number of persons who will be accessing the OAG training. Please provide IHA with an estimate of the number of Emergency Department employees (physicians, physician assistants, advanced practice nurses and registered nurses) who may need to access the OAG’s training platform during the next 18 months.
Please contact Luis Andrade, IHA Director, Government Relations to either:
- indicate aninterest in using the hospital’s own learning management system to administer this SANE training; he willconnect the hospital with OAG staff to understand system requirements, or
- provide the estimated number of ED employees anticipated to access the OAG’s training on the OAG’s platform.
For questions, please contact Sandy Kraiss.