Commercial Health Insurance
Changes in the commercial insurance sector—from legislative and regulatory to product design and strategy—impact hospitals and the nearly 6.8 million Illinoisans with commercial insurance.
Blue Cross Blue Shield Antitrust Settlement
Illinois hospitals have 90 days after approval of the Blue Cross Blue Shield antitrust settlement to opt-out and pursue their own settlement amount.
UPDATE: BCBSIL Delays Avalon Lab Program
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois (BCBSIL) informed IHA that it will delay implementation of the Lab Benefit Management (LBM) program for its commercial, fully insured non-HMO products.
IHA Summary: Medicaid Managed Care and Prior Authorization Reform Bills
This memo summarizes recent state legislation to reform clinical and reimbursement policies implemented by commercial health insurance issuers and Medicaid MCOs.
IHA Summary: State Healthcare Affordability Report
This memo summarizes “Feasibility Report for Coverage Affordability Initiatives in Illinois”, a report from the Depts. of Healthcare and Family Services and Insurance.
E&M Code Reimbursements
IHA and the Illinois State Medical Society recommended a 30 percent increase in reimbursements for six Evaluation and Management codes on the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Medical Fee Schedule.
Land of Lincoln Mutual Health Insurance Update
Land of Lincoln Mutual Health Insurance Company was placed into liquidation effective October 1, 2016 based on an Agreed Order of Liquidation entered by the Circuit Court of Cook County.
Illinois Workers' Compensation Commission (IWCC)
Financial Policy Issues

Illinois hospitals are major economic engines, providing jobs, healthcare, charity care and support services. IHA supports this work through advocacy and financial policy analysis and development.
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