Sexual Assault Survivor Treatment
Healthcare professionals are among the first responders to survivors of sexual assault and abuse. IHA offers resources to aid Illinois hospitals in providing compassionate care to survivors.
Proposed Amendments to the Sexual Assault Survivors Emergency Treatment Code
IDPH proposed amendments to the Sexual Assault Survivors Emergency Treatment Code implementing Public Act 102-1106.
Updated Sample Notice to Sexual Assault Survivors
IHA Updated the Sample Notice to Sexual Assault Survivors to reflect changes made to SASETA.
Sexual Assault Outpatient Hospital Treatment Services Rate
The Illinois Dept. of Healthcare and Family Services has posted a provider notice to inform providers of a minimum $1,000 reimbursement for sexual assault outpatient forensic hospital services.
Sexual Assault Survivors Emergency Treatment Act Updates
Comprehensive SASETA updates from IHA include a reminder on emergency department clinical staff training and updates on legislative action and regulations.
New Medical Forensic Fact Sheet
An updated the Medical Forensic Fact Sheet is now available from the Office of the Attorney General. Hospitals should immediately use this new fact sheet to ensure compliance with the new law.
Adopted Rules Include SAFE Definition and ISP CheckPoint Requirement
IDPH recently adopted several amendments to the Sexual Assault Survivors Emergency Treatment Act, which were published in the Illinois Register on Oct. 8.
New Law Makes Significant Changes to SASETA
The Governor has signed into law House Bill 1739/Public Act 102-0022, which makes significant changes to the Sexual Assault Survivors Emergency Treatment Act (SASETA).
Guide to Establishing an On-Call Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Program
The Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Services Implementation Task Force recently released its Guide to Establishing an On-Call Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Program.
New Law Temporarily Adds FQHCs to SASETA
P.A. 101-0634 temporarily adds approved federally qualified health centers to the Sexual Assault Survivors Emergency Treatment Act.
IDPH Guidance: Sexual Assault Emergency Services in EDs During COVID-19 Pandemic
To reassure survivors that hospital EDs are safe, equipped, and ready to provide treatment for sexual assault and domestic violence during the COVID-19 outbreak, IDPH offers guidance.
SASETA Updates: Final Rule and New Statistics Reporting Form
IDPH published adopted amendments to the Sexual Assault Survivors Emergency Treatment Code in the April 24, 2020 Illinois Register.
Reporting Documents for the Sexual Assault Survivors Emergency Treatment Act
The Sexual Assault Survivors Emergency Treatment Act requires treatment hospitals to report certain statistics semiannually. Please use IDPH's updated spreadsheet and definitions for this reporting.
Sexual Assault Survivors Emergency Treatment 2-Hour Online Training Available
View mandated Sexual Assault and Medical Forensic Services online training for Emergency Department Clinical Staff in treatment hospitals and treatment hospitals with pediatric transfer.
OAG Two-Hour Online Training Instructions
The office of the Illinois Attorney General Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Program has made available a two-hour online training to hospitals.
IHA Comments on Sexual Assault Survivors Emergency Treatment Code
IHA submits comments on the Notice of Proposed Amendments: Sexual Assault Survivors Emergency Treatment Code as published in the December 2, 2019 Illinois Register.
New Evidence Collection Kit Order Form
Hospitals can reorder Illinois sexual assault kits by faxing or emailing the new form. Orders cannot exceed 24 kits and should cover only three months, due to changes that may occur.
Sexual Assault Survivors Emergency Treatment Updates
IHA summarizes emergency treatment updates for sexual assault survivors.
P.A. 101-73: Transfers of Sexual Assault Survivors and Expense Worksheet
This new law allows treatment hospitals with approved pediatric transfer to accept transfers of sexual assault survivors 13 years or older from a transfer hospital.
Template for SANE Personnel Budget Expenses
Developed by the Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Services Implementation Task Force, see sample template for estimating the personnel cost of a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner program.
Sample Template for Pediatric Transfers
See a final sample template for a Written Agreement for Acute Pediatric Transfers.
New Emergency Rules Re: Submission of Treatment/Transfer Plans to IDPH
IDPH has published emergency rules to ensure hospitals and pediatric healthcare facilities submit treatment plans to the department as soon as possible to implement provisions from PA 100-775.
Additional Resources for New SASETA Requirements
The Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Services Implementation Task Force has developed additional resources to aid in compliance with the new requirements.
Timeline and FAQ for New Hospital Requirements for Sexual Assault Treatment
Public Act 100-0775 significantly revised the Sexual Assault Survivors Emergency Treatment Act (SASETA) with many new requirements for hospitals effective January 1, 2019.
November 13 Webinar Materials
Audio, presentation and handouts from the New Hospital Requirements for Sexual Assault Treatment webinar held on November 13, 2018.
New Hospital Requirements for Sexual Assault Treatment
House Bill 5245 and Senate Bill 3404 have been signed by the Governor and are now Public Act 100-0775 and Public Act 100-1087.
Update to Sexual Assault Emergency Treatment Code
The Sexual Assault Emergency Treatment Code has been updated on written consent for release of sexual assault evidence to law enforcement for testing.