OSF HealthCare
The unsung heroes from OSF HealthCare are selflessly devoting extra hours and stepping in where needed to serve patients and communities during COVID-19:
OSF HealthCare Little Company of Mary Medical Center, Evergreen Park
- Erin Collevy, Registered Nurse in Telemetry, has worked extra hours throughout the pandemic to train new nurses while still caring for patients—both COVID-19 those suffering other acute illnesses and injuries.
- Florie Ann Gonsch, DO, Internal Medicine Physician: In March, when many hospitalists were unable to handle the surge, Dr. Gonsch gave up office visits in her practice to work exclusively with COVID-19 patients. She has worked many 18-hour days.
- Jessica Hermes, Registered Nurse in Telemetry, has picked up extra shifts and trained new nurses, all while caring for acutely ill patients (COVID or otherwise). She shows up when she is needed most.
- Radiology and Ultrasound Departments: The teams' 20 X-ray technologists and 16 ultrasound technologists have worked tirelessly since March, imaging COVID patients (both suspected and positive) throughout the hospital.
- Jamie Seifried, Patient Care Technician in Telemetry, has gone above and beyond in her dedication to caring for patients–both those with COVID-19 and those suffering other acute illnesses and injuries. Seifried has been with the hospital for over 20 years.
OSF HealthCare Saint Anthony Medical Center, Rockford
- Julie Brock, RN, Palliative Care Nurse, heroically volunteered to care for COVID-19 patients and their families at another OSF HealthCare hospital: Little Company of Mary in Evergreen Park, a community heavily-hit by the first COVID-19 surge. She helped establish a compassionate approach to COVID-19 care, and is now caring for COVID-19 patients back in Rockford.
OSF HealthCare Saint Francis Medical Center, Peoria
- Kathryn Blair, RN, did not hesitate to step up to serve on the cohort unit for COVID-19. She has made sacrifices every day to continue to serve her community amid the pandemic.
- Glenna Shank, RN, chose to delay her retirement to continue working as a bedside nurse caring for COVID-19 patients—on top of her normal workload.

OSF HealthCare Saint James-John W. Albrecht Medical Center, Pontiac
- Amanda Baker, Laboratory Services Manager and Dona Tharp, Senior Financial Analyst: They spent countless hours working with the county health department to design and launch a free drive-through COVID testing site. Thanks to their daily support, hundreds of community members have been tested. Baker and Tharp also helped prepare the site for winter testing.

OSF HealthCare St. Joseph Medical Center, Bloomington
- Cristina Armstrong, ED Patient Care Liaison: Normally, this is Armstrong's part-time job in addition to another full-time position. However, she has worked extra hours during the pandemic to cover other employees. Armstrong has also ensured availability essential supplies. Even during staffing crunches, she has a smile on her face and a kind word for patients and staff.
- Sarah Belcher, Critical Care RN, has worked many extra shifts to care for COVID patients. She is extremely flexible, caring, dedicated and compassionate to patients and staff alike. Belcher also serves as a "Gift of Hope" champion, raising awareness for organ and tissue donations.
- Sarah Cope, Critical Care RN, is also a "Gift of Hope" champion for organ and tissue donations. She has worked many long weeks to support nurses and care for critically ill patients during the pandemic. Cope's positive attitude is appreciated by staff, patients and patients' families.
- Corey Fields, Critical Care RN, has been kind, compassionate and energetic in the face of great challenges. He has worked overtime to care for critically ill patients, prevent sepsis and educate his fellow nurses. Fields consistently volunteers to care for and advocate for critical COVID patients.
- Deanna Swope, ED Nurse, has picked up many extra shifts in the emergency room during the COVID crisis. Always flexible, she has offered to train staff in other departments. Her support and unlifting attitude does not go unnoticed by patients or colleagues.

OSF HealthCare St. Mary Medical Center, Galesburg
- Terri McCrery, Infection Preventionist, has relentessly to help monitor, educate, and prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the hospital. A trusted resource, McCrery has also jumped in when needed to contribute in the ICU and lift nurses' spirits. Special note: Governor Pritzker recognized McCrery in his Dec. 2 COVID-19 briefing.
OSF HealthCare is an integrated health system based in Peoria, with 13 hospitals in Illinois.