Community Benefits
Illinois hospitals enhance communities and individual well-being through charity care, education, research and more. They also offer innovative programs to meet the unique needs of their communities.

Important Changes to Key Laws
New laws require changes to the Hospital Uninsured Patient Discount Act, Fair Patient Billing Act and the Community Benefits Act. Learn more in the memos below:
P.A. 103-0323: Community Benefit Act Updates (10/12/23)
New Community Benefit Report Form and Instructions (4/12/22)
P.A. 102-0581: FQHC/Free Clinic Referrals and OAG Clarification Email (1/5/22)
Clarifications on Required Changes to Hospital Financial Assistance and Community Benefits Reporting (12/7/21)
Required Changes to Hospital Financial Assistance and Community Benefits Reporting (8/26/21)
Improving Communities

How do hospitals strengthen communities across the state? One program at a time. Illinois hospitals are partnering with organizations, developing new programs, providing funding and more to improve individual health and community well-being.
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