Our Suppliers Hero

IPC’s group purchasing model can strengthen your business’s bottom line. We offer better pricing for supplies and services than healthcare organizations could achieve on their own. How do we do it? Through strong partnerships.

By partnering with Premier, IPC gives you access to a national contract portfolio representing billions of dollars in purchasing volume. We also partner with Capstone Health Alliance so our members can tap into the benefits of a regional purchasing collective.

We lower costs for acute and non-acute providers through:

  • Special pricing for IPC members that supports your bottom line
  • GPO representatives who bring IPC-contracted suppliers new business
  • Suppliers that deliver excellent financial value along with outstanding service
  • Contract participation that benefits members and suppliers alike

Suppliers interested in partnering with IPC Group Purchasing should complete this Prospective Supplier Profile. Please note: There is no guarantee your company will be awarded a contract.

Non-Acute Services

Non-Acute Services Promo

Think your supply volume isn’t big enough for a group purchasing organization? Non-acute healthcare providers save an average of 10-15% on supply costs with IPC Group Purchasing. We’re dedicated to lowering supply costs for healthcare providers across the continuum of care. Non-acute providers—from health centers to physician offices—benefit from our partnership with Premier, one of the nation’s largest group purchasing organizations. 

Learn More

IPC Group Purchasing News

  • Jun 05, 2024
  • IPC Group Purchasing

4 Premier updates

  • Jun 05, 2024
  • IPC Group Purchasing

U.S. News releases its first ratings of ambulatory surgery centers. Here’s how and why they did it.

  • Jun 05, 2024
  • IPC Group Purchasing

Riverside Earns Highest Certification for Workplace Mental Health for Third Year in a Row