Webinar Recordings and Materials

Education is a key component of the loss control and occupational safety services we offer. Our programs cover a range of issues, from recordkeeping requirements from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to growing safety concerns like workplace violence. IHA Insurance Solutions maintains this list of webinar recordings and materials to make sure you can review and reference past programs, their presentation slides and other materials.

2023 Webinar Series

OSHA Recordkeeping in the Healthcare Setting

2022 Webinar

Confronting Workplace Violence in Healthcare

2021 Webinars

COVID-19 Workers’ Compensation Case Legal Update (presented on 11/4/21)

OSHA Law and OSHA Inspection Preparedness (presented on 4/8/21)

Please note: Education credits are only available to those who attended the live webinar. 

OSHA Standards for Healthcare

OSHA Standards for Healthcare

Part of the U.S. Department of Labor since 1970, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) sets and enforces standards for a safe and healthful workplace for all employees. We track closely OSHA updates and actions impacting hospitals, from accident investigations and bloodborne pathogens to electrical safety and emergency actions plans. See our comprehensive list of common OSHA standards and occupational safety best practices.

Learn More