Legislative Issues
IHA advances policies and legislation in Congress to enhance access to care and improve health outcomes across Illinois.
- Advocacy
- Issue Briefs
IHA Responds to U.S. Senators’ Request for Input on Graduate Medical Education (GME)
IHA recently responded to the Bipartisan Medicare Graduate Medical Education Working Group’s Draft Proposal Outline and Questions for Consideration regarding future changes to the GME program.
IHA Letter of Support for 340B program
IHA expresses support for the 340B program in letter to Congresswoman Schakowsky and Congresswoman Kelly, Illinois members of the House Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight & Investigations
IHA Comments on 340B SUSTAIN Act
IHA supports codifying the ability for 340B covered entities to contract with pharmacies, but expresses concern with other proposed changes to the 340B program.
IHA Comment Letter on Members' Concerns Regarding Cyberattack on Change Healthcare
IHA expresses its members' concerns about the recent cyberattack on Change Healthcare and its ripple effect across the nation's hospital community, including in Illinois.
IHA Letter of Support for Safety from Violence for Healthcare Employees (SAVE) Act of 2023
IHA supports the Safety from Violence for Healthcare Employees Act, which would provide federal protections similar to those that exist for flight crews, flight attendants and airport workers.
IHA Letter Urges Opposition to Section 203 of Lower Costs, More Transparency Act
IHA opposes Section 203 of the Lower Costs, More Transparency Act, which would implement harmful site-neutral payment cuts for drug services administered in off-campus, provider-based departments.
IHA Comments on Senate Bipartisan 340B RFI
IHA commented on a recent senate bipartisan 340B RFI, stressing the importance of the program on patient access to care.
IHA 2023 Federal Advocacy Agenda
IHA's 2023 Federal Advocacy Agenda focuses on advancing stability, resiliency and transformation initiatives for Illinois hospitals and health systems.
IHA Legislative Priorities for End-of-Year
Illinois hospitals and health systems are facing unprecedented challenges and pressures, including severe staffing shortages, supply chain breakdowns, and record inflation.
IHA Letter Urges Passage of Behavioral Health Legislation
Illinois hospitals are experiencing rising demand for behavioral health services as patients deal with anxiety, depression, substance use disorder and other behavioral health conditions.
IHA Fall Legislative Priorities
Illinois hospitals and health systems are facing unprecedented challenges, including severe staffing shortages, supply chain breakdowns, and inflation for drugs, supplies and equipment.
Urge Lawmakers to Include Hospital Priorities and Prevent Cuts in Fall Legislation
IHA urges hospital leaders to meet with federal lawmakers during August to urge support for hospital priorities to be included in “must-pass” legislation this fall.
IHA Letter Asks for Support of Hospital Priorities
An IHA letter requests Congress take several actions to support hospital priorities, including reversing 2% Medicare sequester cuts and permanently extending telehealth flexibilities.
Urge Lawmakers to Advance Hospital Priorities
With Congress in recess for two weeks, IHA urges hospital leaders to meet with their representatives to discuss ongoing financial challenges due to COVID-19, including increased workforce costs.
IHA Letter to Delegation Urges Support for Hospital and Health System Priorities
In a letter to Illinois' Congressional delegation, IHA requests immediate action on several issues to help ensure hospitals may direct extremely limited resources where they are needed most.
IHA Summary of Omnibus Spending Package
See a summary of key provider-related provisions in the omnibus spending bill passed by Congress on March 11. The bill also contains the 12 annual appropriations bills.
Urge Lawmakers to Include Hospital Priorities in 'Must-Pass' Legislation
IHA urges members to contact their federal representatives to request inclusion of critical hospital and health system priorities in upcoming “must-pass” legislation.
Issue Brief: Why Additional Hospital Relief Is Needed
Although federal funding has been a lifeline, it is inadequate to cover the losses and expenses hospitals have incurred—and no federal relief has been provided for the Delta and Omicron surges.
Urge Your Federal Representatives to Provide Immediate Financial Relief for Hospitals
IHA asks members to contact your federal representatives and urge them to include critical hospital and health system priorities in upcoming legislation.
IHA Letter to Delegation Urges Investment in Workforce, Action on Other Hospital Priorities
In a letter to the Illinois Congressional Delegation, IHA asks for federal resources and policies including workforce investments and a permanent expansion of connected care flexibilities.
Urge Your Federal Representatives to Include Hospital Priorities in End-of-Year Legislation
IHA asks hospital and health system leaders to contact your federal representatives and urge them to include critical hospital and health system priorities in end-of-year legislation.
IHA Letter to Delegation Urges Hospital Priorities be Included in Fall Legislation
IHA President and CEO A.J. Wilhelmi sent a letter to the Congressional delegation urging critical hospital and health system priorities to be included in legislation Congress considers this fall.
IHA Letter to the Delegation Opposing Surprise Billing Rule)
IHA President & CEO A.J. Wilhelmi sent a letter to the Congressional delegation expressing concern over a rule implementing certain provisions of the No Surprises Act, which passed in Dec. 2020.
Urge Your US Senators NOT to Use Medicare Sequester, PRF to Pay for Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill
Urge Sens. Durbin and Duckworth NOT to extend the 2% Medicare sequestration cut or use unspent COVID Provider Relief Funds (PRF) to offset the cost of the bipartisan infrastructure package.
IHA Letter to Congressional Delegation: Support Hospital Priorities in Infrastructure Bill
IHA requests that members of the Illinois Congressional Delegation consider policies and investments to support healthcare infrastructure in Illinois.
IHA Alert: Urge Senate to Include Hospital Priorities in COVID-19 Legislation
Contact Sens. Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth to thank them for their support for Illinois hospitals and urge them to include urgent hospital priorities in the next COVID-19 legislation.
340B Drug Payment Program Good Stewardship Principles
Join over half of Illinois’ 340B hospitals in committing to AHA’s 340B “Good Stewardship” Principles to communicate how the program enables you to stretch scarce resources to care for patients.
COVID-19 Legislative Priorities
Recent COVID surges have been more intense and widespread, and have lasted longer than expected. Hospitals continue to incur extraordinary expenses to provide care and support their workforce.
Federal Position Paper: 340B Drug Pricing Program
The 340B Drug Pricing Program is critical in expanding access to lifesaving prescription drugs and comprehensive healthcare services for low-income and uninsured individuals.
Letter from A.J. Wilhelmi: IHA's 2021 Federal Advocacy Agenda
IHA is eager to partner with members of the Illinois Congressional Delegation on our shared goal of building a better, stronger, more equitable healthcare system.
Federal Legislation Signed into Law, Includes Numerous IHA Priorities
On Dec. 28 the president signed the Consolidated Appropriations Act into law, which includes funding for the federal government through the 2021 fiscal year, COVID relief and additional provisions.
IHA Alert: Urge Congress to Address Hospital Priorities in Lame Duck Session
Congress is working to pass funding bills and may consider a COVID-19 relief package by year-end. Please urge your US Senators and Representatives to support critical hospital priorities.
Federal COVID-19 Legislative Priorities
IHA is advocating for several actions to support hospitals during COVID-19, including additional funding, suspension of Medicare sequestration cuts and resources for frontline healthcare workers.
IHA Federal COVID-19 Legislative Priorities
In this unprecedented crisis, hospitals and healthcare professionals continue to provide care in extraordinary circumstances. See a summary of IHA's latest Federal COVID-19 Legislative Priorities.
Urge Federal Lawmakers to Contact White House and HHS to Reinstate June Guidance on Use of PRF Funds
HHS drastically changed the definition of “lost revenue” for purposes of applying Provider Relief Fund (PRF) dollars. New Sept. 19 guidance severely restricts how hospitals may direct PRF dollars.
IHA Alert: Urge Congress to Include Hospital Priorities in Next COVID-19 Legislation
Congress is negotiating the next COVID-19 relief legislation. Action is needed to ensure additional federal support for hospitals and health systems.
Federal COVID-19 Legislative Priorities
See IHA's federal COVID-19 legislative priorities related to relief funds, liability protections, OSHA standards, Medicare, telehealth and more.
IHA Letter to Congressional Delegation on COVID-19 Legislative Priorities
IHA sent a letter to the Illinois Congressional Delegation on COVID-19 Legislative Priorities, including additional resources for hospitals.
IHA Alert: Urge Congress to Include Hospital Priorities in Next COVID-19 Legislation
Congress is working on the next COVID-19 relief legislation, and we need to make sure hospital and health system priorities are included.
IHA Legislative Priorities for Next COVID-19 Legislation (July 14, 2020)
Among IHA's COVID-19 legislative priorities are: additional resources for hospitals, safeguarding frontline providers from legal action, and protecting and increasing health insurance coverage.
IHA Alert: Urge Congress to Include Hospitals in Next COVID-19 Legislation
Congress is working on the next COVID relief legislation. It is important to contact your federal Representatives and Senators now to ensure urgent hospital priorities are included in the next bill.
IHA Alert: Urge Congress to Include Hospital Priorities in Next COVID-19 Legislation
Congress is working on the next COVID-19 relief legislation. Reach out to your Representatives and Senators to ensure urgent hospital priorities are included in the next bill.
Hospital Losses Due to COVID-19; Impact Illinois Communities
Hospitals have experienced billions in short-term losses. As they prepare for an expected surge this fall, resources are needed to address financial stability for hospitals and their communities.
Federal COVID-19 Legislative Priorities
Hospitals and health systems need direct federal funding to offset massive loss from suspension of non-urgent procedures, at a time when hospitals continue to incur major expenses related to COVID.
IHA Letter to HHS Secretar Alex M. Azar
As the number of COVID-19 cases continues to seriously impact Chicago, Cook County and other areas of the country, IHA requests an additional targeted distribution for high-impact areas.
IHA Alert: Urge Congress to Pass Additional Funding for Hospitals/Health Systems
Members of Congress are now discussing additional legislation to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.
CARES Act (H.R. 748) – Overview of Hospital Provisions
The CARES Act was passed on March 25. The IHA-supported legislation includes major funding and support for hospitals and health systems, totaling over $100 billion. See a summary of key provisions.
IHA Letter to Illinois Congressional Delegation
In order to support the care of COVID patients, protect our healthcare workforce and meet other urgent healthcare needs, IHA asks the Illinois Congressional Delegation to support several issues.
IHA Alert: Urge Congress to Support Financial Assistance for Hospitals re: COVID-19
IHA is urgently requesting that Congress approve funding support for hospitals and health systems be included in a new COVID-19 response bill.
IHA Alert: Urge Members of Congress to Reject New Surprise Billing Proposal
Proposed legislation to address surprise billing includes rate setting and unrelated provisions on price transparency and contracting opposed by IHA.
IHA Letter to U.S. Senator Dick Durbin re: Rural America Health Corps Act
IHA supports the Rural America Health Corps Act (S. 2406), which would help address workforce shortages in rural communities.
Joint IHA-ICAHN Letter to Illinois Congressional Delegation on Surprise Medical Bills
Illinois’ rural hospitals support federal action to ban “balance billing,” along with a standard process of negotiation between providers and health plans.
IHA Position Paper on Surprise Medical Bills
Legislation being considered by Congress would ban “balance billing,” but still unresolved is an approach for determining provider payment.
IHA Alert: Urge Members of Congress to Reject Setting Rates for Hospitals in Federal Law
Members of Congress are in their home districts for the August recess and need to hear from hospitals about surprise billing.
IHA Letter re: Social Determinants Accelerator Act of 2019
IHA supports the Social Determinants Accelerator Act of 2019 to improve social determinants of health for participants in the Medicaid program.
IHA Alert: Oppose Setting Payment Rates in Law for Out-of-Network Bills
Members are urged to contact their U.S. Representative to oppose setting a benchmark rate for payment to providers for certain out-of-network and emergency services.
IHA Position Paper on Surprise Medical Bills
We support legislation to protect patients from surprise bills that uses “baseball-style” arbitration to resolve disputes between providers and health plans.
IHA Alert: Surprise Billing Legislation: Contact Your U.S. Representatives and Senators
IHA urges Congress to use successful state-level laws, such as those in Illinois, which preserve the standard process of negotiation, as a model for federal legislation.
IHA Letter to Senator Richard J. Durbin on Surprise Billing
IHA letter urges the Illinois Congressional delegation to use successful state laws as a model for federal legislation on surprise billing.
Support Legislation to Increase Medicare-funded Residency Slots
The Medicare Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act of 2019 would increase the number of Medicare-funded residency positions by 15,000 over five years, beginning in fiscal year 2021.
IHA Alert: Public Charge Proposed Rule
Members are urged to comment on the rule by Dec. 10.
IHA Letter to Dept. of Homeland Security
IHA opposes the Inadmissibility on Public Charge Grounds proposed rule concerning legal immigrants.
Urge Your U.S. Representative to Sign Letter on OPPS Site-Neutral Cuts
Contact your U.S. Representative now and ask him/her to sign the Roskam-Thompson letter on OPPS site-neutral cuts.
House Passes Opioid Package-Support for Patients and Communities Act
This memo summarizes legislation passed by the U.S. House to address the opioid crisis.
Rural Emergency Medical Center (REMC) Act of 2018
U.S. Representatives have introduced bipartisan legislation that would establish a new rural facility designation under the Medicare program.IHA Letter to CMS re: Medicaid Program
IHA has strong concerns about proposed changes to Methods for Assuring Access to Medicaid Services-Exemptions for States with High Managed Care Penetration Rates and Rate Reduction Threshold.
IHA Letter to CMS re: Hospital Assessment Program
IHA urges the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to approve the Illinois Hospital Assessment Program redesign to preserve access to care for Illinois Medicaid beneficiaries.
Congressional Delegation Letter to CMS
The Illinois Congressional Delegation urges CMS to expeditiously review and approve Illinois state plan amendments, which include reforms to modernize the state’s Hospital Assessment Program.
Support Illinois Hospital Assessment Program
IHA asks the Illinois Congressional Delegation to urge the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to review and approve the State Plan Amendments for the redesigned Hospital Assessment Program.
IHA Letter to U.S. Senators on Healthcare Price Transparency
In a letter to U.S. senators, IHA provided requested input on healthcare price transparency and shared Illinois’ progress on offering patients relevant and meaningful price information.
Support Rural Medicare Extenders in Funding Bill
The Rural Hospital Access Act (H.R. 1955/S. 872) would make permanent the Medicare-dependent Hospital and enhanced Low-volume Adjustment programs. Urge Congress to support it.
Protect the 340B Drug Pricing Program
Ask your U.S. Representative to co-sponsor H.R. 4392 to protect the 340B Drug Pricing Program from a 30 percent pay reduction that could cost hospitals $1.6 billion.
Support Rural Medicare Extenders
Urge Congress to support Rural Medicare Extenders. Funding for the Medicare-dependent hospital and enhanced low-volume adjustment programs expires Sept. 30, 2017.
Ensuring Access to Affordable, Comprehensive Coverage
IHA supports increasing coverage by expanding the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid coverage and improving access to private insurance through expanded coverage programs and insurance market reforms.
Build Back Better Act House Summary
On Nov. 19, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the $1.75 trillion Build Back Better Act, which moves to the Senate for consideration. Read IHA's summary of the House bill.
OSHA Issues Rule on COVID-19 Healthcare Workplace Safety
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued a final emergency rule requiring healthcare employers to protect workers against on-the-job COVID-19 infection.
Federal Position Paper: Extending Telehealth Flexibilities in the Medicare Program
Early in the COVID-19 crisis, Congress and HHS temporarily lifted longstanding barriers to expanding telehealth in Medicare. See IHA's federal position paper on extending telehealth flexibilities.
Summary of American Rescue Plan Act of 2021
On March 11, President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package. See IHA's summary of provisions important to hospitals and health systems.
IHA Statement to the US House of Representatives: The Future of Telehealth
IHA appreciates the commitment of the Subcommittee on Health to ensuring all individuals have access to the care they need and its recognition of the critical role of virtual care.
Summary of House-passed COVID-19 Relief Bill
The US House of Representatives passed a modified version of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (H.R. 1319), a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package. See a summary of key healthcare provisions.
Federal Legislation Signed into Law, Includes Numerous IHA Priorities
On Dec. 28 the president signed the Consolidated Appropriations Act into law, which includes funding for the federal government through the 2021 fiscal year, COVID relief and additional provisions.
IHA Federal COVID-19 Legislative Priorities
In this unprecedented crisis, hospitals and healthcare professionals continue to provide care in extraordinary circumstances. See a summary of IHA's latest Federal COVID-19 Legislative Priorities.
How Telehealth Flexibilities Benefit Patients
Telehealth flexibilities benefit patients across Illinois. See case examples from UChicago Medicine, La Rabida Children's Hospital, Hospital Sisters Health System and more.
Federal COVID-19 Legislative Priorities
See IHA's federal COVID-19 legislative priorities from Aug. 5, 2020. Congress should provide additional relief funds to hospitals, which are coping with a public health crisis and financial crisis.
IHA Federal Position Paper: Surprise Medical Billing
IHA supports federal legislation to protect patients from surprise medical bills, which may occur after a patient receives emergency care or out-of-network services at an in-network facility.
CMS Request for Information on Stark Law
CMS seeks input on concerns about current Physician Self-Referral law; deadline is Aug. 24
340B Position Paper
IHA’s position paper on the 340B Drug Pricing Program outlines why the program is critical to patients and hospitals and the specific actions Congress can take to protect it.
Private Activity Bonds Letter from Congress
U.S. Reps. Michael Bost, Rodney Davis and Randy Hultgren from Illinois signed a letter in support of maintaining tax-exempt status for private activity bonds in the final tax reform bill.