Behavioral Health
Behavioral health is a key component of individual well-being. IHA supports hospital efforts to expand behavioral health services in Illinois and develop new ways to provide needed care to patients.
IHA Referral Guide

Illinois Youth Resources for Mental Health, Well-Being and Resilience lists mental health services for children, adolescents and others. Link to the English version below. The guide is also available in Spanish.
Learn More- Policy Updates
- Comment Letters
- Resources
Hospital Info Needed for Statewide Services Referrals
IHA is working with the Governor’s Office and DCFS to add hospital information to a statewide database, Spider, for youth behavioral health service referrals for the first time.
Hospitals Urged to Use and Share BEACON Resource
On Jan. 15, Gov. Pritzker and the Illinois Children’s Behavioral Health Transformation Initiative announced the public launch of BEACON, the centralized resource portal for youth and families.
Portal Offers Free Take-Home Medication for Substance Users
IDHS has launched a reporting portal for the Drug Overdose Prevention Program, designed to help emergency departments and inpatient staff provide free naloxone kits to at-risk individuals.
Introducing BEACON for Youth Behavioral Health Referrals
This webinar will share how the BEACON Care Portal works and how hospitals can use it to streamline referrals, obtain consent and coordinate assessments.
Applying to be a Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic
On June 4, CMS, in partnership with SAMHSA, announced Illinois as one of 10 new states participating in the four-year federal CCBHC Medicaid Demonstration Program.
IHA Update: Behavioral Health Notices & Notifications
IHA has provided updates concerning hospital and health system behavioral healthcare, including state advocacy, opioid settlement fund recommendations and Illinois' new service access portal.
Hospital Boarding: State Notices & Resources
IHA is actively engaging with government partners and elected officials to address behavioral health access issues, with a goal of reducing the frequency and duration of hospital boarding.
IHA, DCFS Collaborate on Medical Records Request
IHA is collaborating with the Illinois Dept. of Children and Family Services (DCFS) to disseminate education regarding medical records requests related to DCFS investigations of abuse or neglect.
IHA Update: Behavioral Health Notices & Notifications
This behavioral health update from IHA covers new state and federal behavioral health policies, resources and grant announcements.
Upcoming Opioid Education for Emergency Departments
This summer, educational outreach is underway for Illinois hospital clinicians and administrators interested in learning about providing Medication Assisted Treatment to ED patients with OUD.
Interest Form Due May 30: Free Program for ED Support with OUD Treatment
The Bridge and Opioid Response Network is offering three Illinois hospitals the opportunity to collaborate in the Bridge Starts Program.
IHA Update: Behavioral Health Notices & Notifications
IHA outlines several updates concerning behavioral healthcare, including Medicaid coverage, payment and provider changes from the Dept. of Healthcare and Family Services.
IHA Update: Behavioral Health Notices & Notifications
The following memo gives several updates concerning hospital and health system behavioral healthcare including Medicaid and Medicare coverage and new behavioral health policies and resources.
July 16 Launch of '988' Mental Health Crisis Line
On July 16, the Dept. of Human Services, Division of Mental Health plans to launch ”988,” the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. The new three-digit number will be available in multiple languages.
Behavioral Health Medicaid Updates
This memo includes updates on potential Medicaid crisis stabilization coverage in hospitals and Medicaid reimbursement rate proposals for psychiatric collaborative care and substance use providers.
Behavioral Health Updates and Resources
IHA updates address new Medicaid coverage for substance misuse screening and intervention in hospital and community settings. Resources include a new children’s mental health plan for Illinois.
State-Operated Psychiatric Hospital Diversion Payments - April 15
Hospitals that treated eligible, uninsured patients in inpatient psychiatric units diverted from SOPHs due to a temporary COVID-19 outbreak must submit all applications to the state by April 30.
State-Operated Psychiatric Hospital Diversion Payments - Feb. 3
Due to a COVID-19 outbreak, the state extended time-limited payments to community hospitals for treating eligible, uninsured patients in hospital inpatient psychiatric units diverted from SOPHs.
Behavioral Health Medicaid Updates
An IHA memo outlines behavioral health-related Medicaid updates, including removal of the 60-day detox readmission penalty and community mental health and substance use provider rate increases.
Behavioral Health Updates and Resources
IHA provides several behavioral healthcare updates and resources, including Medicaid updates, expedited youth evaluaions and a recap of new state laws effective before or on Jan. 1, 2022.
State-Operated Psychiatric Hospital Diversion Payments - Nov. 4
DHS-DMH announced new, time-limited payments to community hospitals for treating eligible, uninsured patients in hospital inpatient psychiatric units who are diverted from SOPHs due to COVID-19.
Behavioral Health Update and Resources
IHA shares several updates concerning hospital and health system behavioral healthcare focused on Medicaid, care coordination, COVID-19, and recent IHA comment letters to government agencies.
Mental Health Crisis Planning and Implementation
In July 2022, the Illinois Dept. of Human Services-Division of Mental Health plans to use “988” as a three-digit phone number for a national suicide prevention and mental health crisis hotline.
Funding Available for FQHCs and RHCs with X-Waivered Staff
HRSA has launched an effort to improve access to substance use disorder treatment, HRSA DATA 2000 Waiver Training Payment Program for Buprenorphine-Trained Clinicians.
HHS Eliminates X-Waiver Requirement for Eligible Practitioners
HHS published Practice Guidelines for the Administration of Buprenorphine for Treating Opioid Use Disorder, exempting certain eligible providers to treat up to 30 patients with buprenorphine.
HHS Reverses DATA-Waiver Exemption for Physicians
On Jan. 27 SAMHSA canceled plans announced earlier this month to exempt many physicians from certain requirements under CSA to prescribe buprenorphine for opioid use disorder (OUD) treatment.
HHS Eliminates X-Waiver Requirement for DEA-Registered Physicians
On Jan. 27, HHS reversed the DATA-Waiver exemption for physicians detailed in this memo.
Behavioral Health Update and Resources
IHA shares updates concerning hospital and health system behavioral healthcare, including summaries of state requirements to change bed capacity during the COVID-19 pandemic.
IHA Memo: DHS COVID-19 Funding Opportunity
In acknowledgment that admissions to civil units within Illinois’ six SOPHs are slower than normal due to COVID-19, DHS will temporarily provide a funding opportunity to community hospitals.
Behavioral Health Reimbursement and Advocacy Updates
On Nov. 10, 2020, IHA provides several updates concerning hospital and health system behavioral healthcare, including a summary of the cancellation of Medicaid Integrated Health Homes.
IHA Update: Medicaid Integrated Health Homes
On Oct. 15, the Dept. of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) issued a Provider Notice providing updates on Medicaid behavioral health service reimbursement and care coordination plans for 2021.
COVID-19 Behavioral Health Update
IHA provides several behavioral health updates amid the COVID-19 pandemic, including mental health and suicide-related resources and material from The Joint Commission.
Grant Opportunity: Rural Communities Opioid Response Program
The HHS HRSA Federal Office of Rural Health Policy announced a grant opportunity for rural entities addressing SUDs.
Integrated Health Homes Implementation Delayed to Jan. 1, 2021
The Dept. of Healthcare and Family Services is delaying implementation of the Integrated Health Home program to Jan. 1, 2021.
IHA COVID-19 Telehealth Update #1: State Coverage and Reimbursement
Governor Pritzker issued an Executive Order and HFS issued Emergency Rules (89 Ill. Adm. Code 140.403(e)) and a Provider Notice, all focused on telehealth coverage and reimbursement.
IHHs Delayed – Comments to IHA Extended to Feb. 19
HFS is accepting questions/comments concerning the proposed changes in reimbursement methods and standards until Feb. 23. Send comments to IHA for inclusion in our comment letter by Feb. 19.
Integrated Health Homes – Comments Requested
IHA is seeking comments on the Illinois Dept. of Healthcare and Family Services Public Notice proposing to begin Medicaid coverage for Integrated Health Home services on Apr. 1.
IHA Update: Behavioral Health Notices & Notifications
IHA provides several updates concerning hospital and health system behavioral healthcare – including the new Medicaid add-on payments for behavioral health professionals.
Medicaid Releases Psychiatric Rate Add-ons
The Dept. of Healthcare and Family Services updated its Practitioner Fee Schedule with psychiatric service add-on payments, which were delayed. See IHA's memo on eligible procedure codes.
New Hospital Requirements for Child Reporting Effective January 1, 2020
On Nov. 14, 2019, SB391 passed the General Assembly in Veto Session with additional child-related hospital care coordination required for compliance by Jan. 1, 2020. IHA summarizes the new rules.
Hospital & Staff Requirements under Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act (ANCRA)
Three new state laws amend the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act (ANCRA) impacting hospitals and their staff beginning Jan. 1, 2020.
Request for Applications - Hospital Grant Opportunity
DHS contacted IHA to encourage hospitals to apply for a grant opportunity related to services for class members covered by the Williams v. Pritzker and Colbert v. Pritzker Consent Decrees.
IHA Update: Behavioral Health Notices & Notifications
IHA has developed a comprehensive memo concerning hospital and health system behavioral healthcare. Updates include general Medicaid notices and resources from the U.S. Dept. of Labor.
CMS Proposes Ligature Risk Requirements
IHA requests member comments on a proposed federal policy that focuses on environmental safeguards in a hospital.
IHA Update: Notices & Notifications
IHA provides several updates concerning hospital and health system behavioral healthcare, including the new Medicaid 1115 Waiver Programs Proposed in State Rules.
Integrated Health Homes-Update #4
This update includes information on an HFS notice seeking questions/comments on development of a new service definition/code for activities related to provider consultations with IHHs.
Integrated Health Homes Proposed Rule
IHA has edited the First Notice for the IHH rulemaking to incorporate language changes indicated in the Second Notice.
IHA Letter: Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act
IHA comments on a proposed rule on requirements related to the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, supporting proposals to clarify and improve plan and issuer benefit requirements.
IHA Letter: Proposed Rule Amending 42 CFR Part 2
In a letter to HHS, IHA outlines its support to implement section 3221 of the CARES Act and align patient records requirements for SUD treatment with those in effect under HIPAA's Privacy Rule
IHA Letter: Proposed Rule Amending 89 Ill. Adm. Code 148 – Hospital Services
In a letter to the Illinois Dept. of Public Healthcare and Family Services, IHA outlines two key areas of concern with the Proposed Rule ammending 89 Ill. Adm. Code 148 - Hospital Services.
IHA Letter: Emergency Rule Amending 77 Ill. Adm. Code 515
In a letter to the Dept. of Public Health, IHA outlines two key areas of concern with the Proposed Rule and Emergency Rule amending 77 Ill. Adm. Code 515 (re-issued June 10).
EMS Emergency Rule Comment Letter
In a comment letter to IDPH, IHA outlines concerns with the current Emergency Rule. Among IHA's recommendations is to expand the permitted bypass window from 2-4 hours to 8-12 hours.
Senate Bill 693 – EMS Systems Transport
IHA wrote the IDPH Office of Preparedness and Response regarding the implementation of Public Act 102-0623, which amended the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Systems Act.
IHA Letter on Medicaid Workgroup Request for Information on MCOs
IHA sent a comment letter to Rep. Greg Harris (D-13), responding to a request for feedback on the most common reasons for denials of behavioral healthcare by Medicaid managed care organizations.
IHA Comments on SUD Care for Medicaid Beneficiaries
IHA sent the Illinos Dept. of Healthcare and Family Services its input to improve substance use disorder (SUD) care for Medicaid beneficiaries--including medication-assisted treatment.
IHA Submits Comments to HFS on Integrated Health Homes
IHA submitted comments to the Dept. of Healthcare and Family Services on the proposed changes in the methods and standards by which the Dept. will reimburse providers for Integrated Health Homes.
Recommendations to the Illinois Broadband Advisory Council
IHA and 14 other healthcare organizations urge the Council to prioritize capital funding to improve access to healthcare.
IHA Comment Letter to CMS on Proposed Ligature Risk Guidance
IHA submitted comments to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) regarding their proposed guidance on ligature risk.
IHA Encourages New Medicaid Law Implementation
IHA encourages immediate implementation of PA 100-1019. Improved telehealth coverage will strengthen access to provider networks and contribute to timely care in the most appropriate setting.
Proposed Amendments to Rule Creating 1115 Waiver Services
This letter to the Dept. of Healthcare and Family Services provides comments on the notice of proposed amendments to Specialized Health Care Delivery Systems.
The resources below provide additional information to supplement IHA’s work to advance behavioral health.
Provider Resources
- Contraindications for Civil Admission to a DMH Hospital
- Fair Insurance Coverage: Illinois Mental Health & Addiction Resource (English & Spanish versions)
- HFS Behavioral Health Programs
- Illinois Children's Mental Health Partnership
- Illinois Hospital Staff Resources on Veteran Suicide Prevention
- Illinois Youth Resources for Mental Health, Well-Being & Resilience (English version)
- Illinois Youth Resources for Mental Health, Well-Being & Resilience (Spanish version)
- National Alliance on Mental Illness
- National Resource Directory for Service Member and Veteran Recovery, Rehabilitation and Reintegration
- SAMHSA Disaster Behavioral Health Resources
- Screening, Assessment and Supportive Services (SASS)
- Suicide Prevention Resource Center
- U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs: Mental Health
Legal Resources